Recron 3s Fibre

Recron 3s Fibre - Making a stronger world

Recron 3S fibres are engineered micro fibres with a unique “Triangular” cross-section, used as secondary reinforcement of concrete.

It complements structural steel in enhancing concrete resistance to shrinkage cracking & improves mechanical properties along with desired improvement in abrasion & impact strength. Elevate your construction projects with the reliability and performance of Recron 3s Fibre.

Types of Recorn fibres available:

  • Polypropylene Fibre
  • Recron 3S CTP 2024 (12 mm)
  • Recron 3S CTP 2012 (6 mm)
  • Polyester Fibre
  • Recron 3S CT 2012 (6 mm)

Advantages of Recron 3s Fibre

Improves the long term durability of concrete
Better stress transfer at joints
Improves the post peak ductility of concrete
Increase wet & dry abrasion resistance
Increases impact / shatter resistance
Increases toughness of hardened concrete
Reduces water percolation & concrete permeability